Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Votes are IN!

In an unexpected, explosive,'s Team MODAC with "The Last Supper"! Not only did they take "Best Overall" but also swept "Best Use of Peeps"! Congrats on your first entry! You've set the bar let's see what you can do next year. Don't all have to set the theme for next years PEEPS Show.

Coming in with "Best Interpretation of the Theme" is Jackson with his "Jonah and the Whale" exhibit! Well done Jax!

It was close this year! Keep up the good work family! And all you PEEPS Show fans...tune in next year!

Monday, April 21, 2014

PEEPS 2014 - PEEPS in the Bible!

Hello Faithful PEEPS voters! It's time once again for the annual Wallace Family PEEPS Show! This year's theme was chosen by last year's winner, Travis. Now I know you're all wondering..."TRAVIS picked Peeps in the Bible???" Allow me to share the conversation with  you.

Travis: This year's theme will be PEEPS in the Bible.

Me: Huh?! Interesting. How are  you going to make a lude PEEPS show with that theme? I mean...I guess  you could do Adam and Eve or Sodom and Gamorah...but you'll probably have to tone it down.

Travis: Oh contrare sister! I  give you "The Song of Soloman". There is plenty of fodder in there!

Me: Well...well. Looks who's been going to Sunday School!

That being said we had a new entry this year from Macey's sister, Micah. Yay! Welcome to the fold Micah.

Now on with the show! As usual you will be able to VOTE in the "Comments" section. Please vote for 1)Favorite Over All; 2) Best Use of PEEPS; 3)and Best Interpretation of the Theme. Each PEEPS box is listed anonymously so as not to sway any votes. IF you know who did each box please don't share. We want to keep this as fair as possible. Other "rules" must use PEEPS and your show must fit within the confines of a shoe box. You can configure the shoe box any way you want...but it must fit in the box.

David and Goliath


Jonah and the Whale

Jesus Walking on Water

The Last Supper


Lot and his family fleeing Sodom and Gomorah



Noah and the Ark